第十一章. 子例程



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第十一章. 子例程

Now it’s time for more sophisticated subroutines. You were introduced to them in Chapter 5 but you only saw enough to support the upcoming chapters. Now that you’ve seen Arrays and Hashes, there’s much more you can do with subroutine signatures.


A Basic Subroutine

When you run a subroutine you get some sort of result: the last evaluated expression. That’s the return value. This sets basic routines apart from the simpler Blocks you saw in Chapter 5. A Routine knows how to send a value back to the code that called it. This subroutine returns a different Str if the argument is odd or even:

当您运行子例程时,您会得到某种结果:最后被计算的表达式。这是返回值。这将基础子例程和你在第五章中看到的更简单的 Block 区分开。例程知道如何将值发送回调用它的代码。如果参数为奇数或偶数,则此子例程返回不同的字符串

sub odd-or-even {
    if ( @_[0] %% 2 ) { 'Even' }
    else              { 'Odd'  }

odd-or-even( 2 );    # Even
odd-or-even( 137 );  # Odd

Without a signature the arguments show up in @_. Each subroutine has its own version of that variable so it doesn’t conflict with any other subroutine’s @_. This code calls one subroutine that calls another. top-callshows its @_ before and after show-args:

如果没有签名,则参数会出现在 @_中。每个子例程都有自己的变量版本,因此它不会与任何其它子例程的@_ 冲突。此代码调用一个调用另一个子例程的子例程。 top-callshows 显示 show-args 之前和之后的 @_

top-call( <Hamadryas perlicus> );

sub show-args { say @_ }
sub top-call {
    put "Top: @_[]";
    show-args( <a b c> );
    put "Top: @_[]";

Even though both use @_ they are separate. The @_ in top-call isn’t disturbed by show-args:

尽管两者都使用 @_,但它们是分开的。 top-call 中的 @_ 不受 show-args 的干扰:

Top: Hamadryas perlicus
[a b c]
Top: Hamadryas perlicus

The subroutine definition is lexically scoped. If you need it for only part of the code you can hide it in a Block. Outside the Block that subroutine is not visible:

子例程定义是词法范围的。如果只需要部分代码,则可以将其隐藏在 Block 中。在 Block 之外,子例程不可见:

put odd-or-even( 137 );
sub odd-or-even { ... } # only defined in this block

put odd-or-even( 37 );  # undeclared routine!


What does odd-or-even accept, though? The parameter is an Array but you only use the first element. These calls still work without warnings or errors:

但是 odd-or-even 接受了什么?参数是一个数组,但您只使用第一个元素。这些调用仍然有效,没有警告或错误:

put odd-or-even( 2, 47        );  # Even
put odd-or-even( 137, 'Hello' );  # Odd

This isn’t necessarily wrong. It depends on what you are trying to do. Maybe you specifically want as many arguments as the caller decides to send:


sub plus-minus {
        .rotor(2, :partial)
        .map: { $^a[0] + ($^a[1] // 0) }

put plus-minus( 9,1,2,3 );

With the signatures you’ll see later in the chapter you’ll be able to control this to get the situation that you want.



You can explicitly return from anywhere in a subroutine with return. This distinguishes a subroutine from the Blocks you used in Chapter 5. This version is the same thing but with an explicit return:

您可以使用 return 从子例程中的任何位置显式返回。这将子例程与您在第五章中使用的 Block 区分开来。这个版本是相同的,但具有明确的返回:

sub odd-or-even ( $n ) {
    if ( $n %% 2 ) { return 'Even' }
    else           { return 'Odd'  }

Call this with extra arguments and you get an error:


put odd-or-even( 2, 47 );  # Error

The message tells you the argument list does not match the signature:


Calling odd-or-even(Int, Int) will never work with declared signature ($n)

You could write this differently. do converts the entire if structure into something that evaluates to its last evaluated expression. Return the value of the do instead of repeating the return:

你可以用不同的方式写出来。do 将整个 if 结构转换为计算其最后计算的表达式的内容。返回 do 的值而不是重复 return

sub odd-or-even ( $n ) {
    return do {
        if ( $n %% 2 ) { 'Even' }
        else           { 'Odd'  }

The conditional operator is the same thing expressed differently:


sub odd-or-even ( $n ) {
    return $n %% 2 ?? 'Even' !! 'Odd'

Another way to do the same thing is to have a default return value but return sooner for other situations:


sub odd-or-even ( $n ) {
    return 'Even' if $n %% 2;

Or back to where you started with an implicit return:


sub odd-or-even ( $n ) { $n %% 2 ?? 'Even' !! 'Odd' }

These techniques are more appealing in more complex situations that I’m not going to show here. No matter which of these serves your situation, they all do the same thing: they send a value back to the code that called it.


EXERCISE 11.1Create a subroutine that returns the least common multiple of two integers. Use that in a program that takes two integers from the command line. The particulars of this exercise are very simple but it’s the structure of the subroutine definitions that matter.



Subroutines can call themselves; this is called recursion. The classic example is Fibonacci numbers, where the next number in the series is the sum of the preceding two given that the first two numbers are 0 and 1:

子程序可以调用自己;这称为递归。典型的例子是 Fibonacci 数,其中系列中的下一个数字是前两个的总和,前两个数字是 0 和 1:

sub fibonacci ( $n ) {
    return 0 if $n == 0;  # special case of n = 0
    return 1 if $n == 1;
    return fibonacci( $n - 1 ) + fibonacci( $n - 2 );

say fibonacci( 10 );  # 55

When you call this subroutine with the value of 10 it calls itself twice to get the values for 9 and 8. When it calls itself for 9, it creates two more calls for 8 and 7. It keeps creating more and more calls to itself until the arguments are 0 or 1. It can then return a value one level up, working its way back to where it started.

当您使用值 10 调用此子例程时,它会调用自身两次以获取 98 的值。当它自己调用 9 时,它会为 87 创建两个以上的调用。它会不断创建对自身的调用,直到参数为 01.然后它可以返回一个级别的值,然后返回到它开始的位置。

A Raku subroutine knows what it is inside its own Block. The variable &?ROUTINE is the same subroutine object. You don’t have to know the current subroutine’s name. This is the same thing:

Raku 子程序知道它自己的 Block 内部是什么。变量&?ROUTINE是相同的子程序对象。您不必知道当前子例程的名称。这是同样的东西:

sub fibonacci ( $n ) {
    return 0 if $n == 0;
    return 1 if $n == 1;
    return &?ROUTINE( $n - 1 ) + &?ROUTINE( $n - 2 );

This is only slightly better. You’ll read more about this later when you encounter multi subroutines.

这稍微好一点。当您遇到 multi 子程序时,您将在以后阅读更多相关信息。

EXERCISE 11.2Another favorite example of recursion is the factorial function. Start with a positive whole number and multiply it by all the strictly positive numbers that come before it. The factorial of 6 would be 65432*1. Implement this as a recursive function. Once you’ve done that, implement it in the amazingly simple Raku fashion. How big a number can you get your program to produce?

练习11.2递归的另一个例子是阶乘函数。从正整数开始,然后乘以前面的所有严格正数。阶乘为6将为65432 * 1。将其实现为递归函数。完成后,以非常简单的Raku方式实现它。你的程序可以产生多大的数字?


You can turn many recursive solutions into iterative ones. Instead of repeatedly calling subroutines with all the overhead they entail (each call sets up a new scope, defines new variables, and so on), rearrange things so you don’t need a subroutine.


The factorial case is easy. The reduction operator does that for you:


my $factorial = [*] 1 .. $n;

The operators are actually methods, so you don’t actually avoid calling something.


The Fibonacci case is easy too when you use a Seq:

使用 Seq 时,Fibonacci 案例也很简单:

my $fibonacci := 1, 1, * + * ... *;
put "Fib(5) is ", $fibonacci[5];

You can make a queue of things to work on. With a queue you can add items anywhere you like. Instead of processing the next thingy immediately you can put it at the end of the queue. When it’s time to process the next thingy you can take it from the beginning, end, or middle. You can add as many elements as you want:


my @queue = ( ... );
while @queue {
    my $thingy = @queue.shift; # or .pop
    ... # generate more items to process
    @queue.append: @additional-items; # or .push or .unshift


Start with a simple subroutine to choose a random integer between two integers (including the endpoints). Use .rand and coerce the result with .Int, then shift the result into the right range:

从一个简单的子程序开始,选择两个整数(包括端点)之间的随机整数。使用 .rand 并使用 .Int 强制结果,然后将结果移动到正确的范围:

sub random-between ( $i, $j ) {
    ( $j - $i ).rand.Int + $i;

say random-between( -10, -3 );

You might need to convince yourself that works. Your program gets its job done, so you don’t think about it again. Then you write a different program doing something similar and you want to use that subroutine again. You do what many people don’t want to admit to: you cut and paste the subroutine into a different program. Again, it works. Or does it?


Did you really get a number between $i and $j inclusively?

你真的得到了$ i和$ j之间的数字吗?

EXERCISE 11.3What’s the maximum number that random-between produces for any $i and $j? Write a program that figures it out by running random-between repeatedly to see the actual range of results.

练习11.3任意$ i和$ j之间随机产生的最大数量是多少?编写一个程序,通过反复运行随机查看结果的实际范围来计算出来。

Once you’ve done that exercise you know that random-between didn’t ever select the second endpoint as one of the random values. If you had copied it into other programs it would have been wrong in several places. There’s a way to fix that.


To use the same subroutine in several programs you can define it once in a library. That’s a separate file that you can import into your program.


Move random-between to a new file that has the .pm or .pm6 extension:


# MyRandLibrary.pm6
sub random-between ( $i, $j ) {
    ( $j - $i ).rand.Int + $i;

In your original program import your library with use. Set lib as you saw in Chapter 10:


# random-between.p6
use lib <.>
use MyRandLibrary;
say random-between( -10, -3 );

Your program finds your library but now you get a different error:


% raku random-between.p6
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling ...
Undeclared routine:
    random-between used at line ...


Subroutines are lexically scoped by default, so they can’t be seen outside their files. If you want another file to use them you need to export those subroutines. The is export trait does that and comes right after the signature:


# MyRandLibrary.pm6
sub random-between ( $i, $j ) is export {
    ( $j - $i ).rand.Int + $i;

Your program now finds the library, imports the subroutine, and produces a number between your endpoints:


% raku random-between.p6

EXERCISE 11.4Create the library that exports the random-between subroutine and use it in a program to get a random number between the two command-line arguments. What happens when the first argument is greater than the second? What happens if one of the arguments is not a number?



There are two types of parameters. The first are the positional parameters that you’ve seen already in Chapter 5. These parameters handle the arguments by their order in the argument list. We’ll look at them in a bit more detail here. You’ll see the other sort, named parameters, later in this chapter.


With no explicit signature the arguments show up in the array @_. Each subroutine gets its own @_ so it doesn’t conflict with that for any other subroutine. So, if you write this:


sub show-the-arguments {
    put "The arguments are: ", @_.gist;

show-the-arguments( 1, 3, 7 );

You get:


The arguments are: [1 3 7]

Using @_ inside the subroutine automatically adds the implicit signature. But it’s not as simple as an explicit @_parameter by itself. This signature expects a single Positional argument:


sub show-the-arguments ( @_ ) { # Single Positional argument
    put "The arguments are: ", @_.gist;

Calling it with multiple arguments is a compile-time error:


show-the-arguments( 1, 3, 7 );   # Won't compile

The ( @_ ) signature wants a single argument that’s some sort of Positional (not necessarily an Array):


show-the-arguments( [ 1, 3, 7 ] );   # Single argument

Slurpy Parameters 吞噬参数

A slurpy parameter gets all of the remaining arguments into a single Array. Prefix the array parameter with a *. This is the same as the version with no explicit signature:


sub show-the-arguments ( *@_ ) {  # slurpy
    put "The arguments are: ", @_.gist;

show-the-arguments( 1, 3, 7 );

The output shows the three numbers:


The arguments are: [1 3 7]

There’s not much special about @_. You can use your own variable name instead:


sub show-the-arguments ( *@args ) {  # slurpy
    put "The arguments are: ", @args.gist;

Try it with something slightly different now. Include a List as one of the arguments:


sub show-the-arguments ( *@args ) {  # slurpy
    put "The arguments are: ", @args.gist;

show-the-arguments( 1, 3, ( 7, 6, 5 ) );

Did you expect this output? It’s a flat List with no structure:


The arguments are: [1 3 7 6 5]

This isn’t a problem with formatting the data; the slurpy parameter flattens the data. Try it again with another level:

这不是格式化数据的问题; slurpy参数使数据变平。再试一次另一个级别:

show-the-arguments( 1, 3, ( 7, (6, 5) ) );

You get the same output with no structure:


The arguments are: [1 3 7 6 5]

The slurpy parameter only flattens objects that you can iterate. If you itemize one of the Lists that item is no longer iterable. Items resist flattening:


show-the-arguments( 1, 3, ( 7, $(6, 5) ) );

The output is a bit different:


The arguments are: [1, 3, 7, (6, 5)]

How about this one?


show-the-arguments( [ 1, 3, ( 7, $(6, 5) ) ] );

Instead of a List you have an Array. Remember that an Array already itemizes each of its elements. The ( 7, $(6, 5) ) is itemized because it’s an element of an Array:

而不是List你有一个数组。请记住,数组已经逐项列出了每个元素。 (7,$(6,5))是逐项列出的,因为它是数组的一个元素:

The arguments are: [1, 3, (7, $(6, 5))]

Use a ** in front of the parameter if you don’t want this automatic flattening:

如果您不希望这种自动展平,请在参数前面使用 **

sub show-nonflat-arguments ( **@args ) {  # nonflattening slurpy
    put "The nonflat arguments are: ", @args.gist;

show-nonflat-arguments( [ 1, 3, ( 7, $(6, 5) ) ] );

This output has a double set of square brackets around the data. The single argument is the inner Array and the entire argument list is the outer one:


The nonflat arguments are: [[1 3 (7 (6 5))]]

EXERCISE 11.5Create a subroutine that outputs its argument count and shows each argument on a separate line. Try it with these argument lists:1, 3, 7 1, 3, ( 7, 6, 5 ) 1, 3, ( 7, $(6, 5) ) [ 1, 3, ( 7, $(6, 5) ) ]

练习11.5创建一个子程序,输出其参数计数并在一个单独的行上显示每个参数。尝试使用这些参数列表:1,3,7 1,3,3(7,6,5)1,3,(7,$(6,5))[1,3,(7,$(6, 5))]

Have It Both Ways

What if you want both flattening and nonflattening at the same time? If there’s one argument, you want to flatten that. If there’s more than one argument you want to leave that List alone. Use a + in front of a parameter to use the single argument rule:


sub show-plus-arguments ( +@args ) {  # single argument rule
    put "There are {@args.elems} arguments";
    put "The nonflat arguments are: ", @args.gist;

If you pass one argument that argument is flattened into @args. With more than one argument you don’t get flattening:


my @a = (1,3,7);

show-plus-arguments( @a );    # flattened
show-plus-arguments( @a, 5 ); # not flattened

The output shows the difference. In your first call to show-plus-arguments it looks like you have single Array argument. By the time it gets inside the subroutine that Array has been flattened into three Intarguments:


There are 3 arguments
The nonflat arguments are: [1 3 7]
There are 2 arguments
The nonflat arguments are: [[1 3 7] 5]

Your second call has the Array along with 5. With more than one argument you don’t get flattening and the argument list has an Array argument and an Int argument.


Combining Slurpies

You can have only one slurpy Array parameter, since it will take up the rest of the positional arguments. However, you can have positional parameters before a slurpy parameter:

您可以只有一个slurpy Array参数,因为它将占用其余的位置参数。但是,您可以在slurpy参数之前获得位置参数:

sub show-the-arguments ( $i, $j, *@args ) {  # slurpy
    put "The arguments are i: $i j: $j and @args[]";

show-the-arguments( 1, 3, 7, 5 );

The first two arguments fill in $i and $j and anything left over goes into @args:

前两个参数填写$ i和$ j,剩下的任何内容都会输入@args:

The arguments are i: 1 j: 3 and 7 5

What if you put all but one of the arguments into an Array?


my @a = ( 3, 7, 5 );
show-the-arguments( 1, @a );

Now the output shows that $j has an Array value and @args has nothing:

现在输出显示$ j有一个Array值而@args什么都没有:

The arguments are i: 1 j: 3 7 5 and

EXERCISE 11.6Create a library that provides a head and a tail function that each take a List parameter. Make your headfunction return the first item in the List and your tail function return everything else. Do not change the original List. If you’re used to Lisp you might call these car and cdr:use lib <.>; use HeadsTails; my @a = <1 3 5 7 11 13>; say head( @a ); # 1 say tail( @a ); # [ 3 5 7 11 13 ]

练习11.6创建一个提供head和tail函数的库,每个函数都有一个List参数。让你的headfunction返回List中的第一项,你的tail函数返回其他所有内容。请勿更改原始列表。如果您习惯使用Lisp,可以将这些汽车和cdr称为:使用lib <。>;使用HeadsTails;我的@a = <1 3 5 7 11 13>;说头(@a); #1说尾巴(@a); #[3 5 7 11 13]

Optional and Default Arguments

By default all positional parameters require arguments. A question mark, ?, after a parameter marks it as optional so that you don’t need to supply an argument. This subroutine takes one or two arguments:


sub one-or-two ( $a, $b? ) {
    put $b.defined ?? "Got $a and $b" !! "Got $a";

one-or-two( 'Hamadryas' );
one-or-two( 'Hamadryas', 'perlicus' );

If you have an optional argument you probably want a default value. Assign to a parameter to give it a default value. That assignment occurs only when you don’t supply an argument:


sub one-or-two ( $a, $b = 137 ) {
    put $b.defined ?? "Got $a and $b" !! "Got $a";

one-or-two( 19 );                      # one number
one-or-two( 'Hamadryas', 'perlicus' ); # two strings
one-or-two( <Hamadryas perlicus> );    # one array
one-or-two( |<Hamadryas perlicus> );   # flattened array

The output shows that the arguments fill in the parameters differently each time:


Got 19 and 137
Got Hamadryas and perlicus
Got Hamadryas perlicus and 137
Got Hamadryas and perlicus

You can’t have required positional parameters after an optional one:


sub one-or-two ( $a?, $b ) {
    put $b.defined ?? "Got $a and $b" !! "Got $a";

That’s a compile-time error:


Error while compiling
Cannot put required parameter $b after optional parameters

Parameter Traits

The parameter variables are filled in with read-only aliases to the original data. You see the same values but you can’t change them. This subroutine tries to add one to its value:


sub increment ( $a ) { $a++ }

my $a = 137;
put increment( $a );

This doesn’t work because you can’t change the parameter variable:


Cannot resolve caller postfix:<++>(Int); the following candidates
match the type but require mutable arguments:

The read-only alias is the default. You can change that by applying traits to the parameters. Apply the is copytrait to get a mutable value that’s separate from the original argument. You can change it without changing the original value:

只读别名是默认值。您可以通过将特征应用于参数来更改它。应用is copytrait以获取与原始参数分开的可变值。您可以在不更改原始值的情况下进行更改:

sub mutable-copy ( $a is copy ) { $a++; put "Inside: $a" }

my $a = 137;

put "Before: $a";
mutable-copy( $a );
put "After: $a";

The output shows that the original variable’s value did not change:


Before: 137
Inside: 138
After: 137

Use the is rw trait to change the original value. If the argument is a writable container you can change the value. If the value is not some sort of container you’ll get an error:

使用is rw trait更改原始值。如果参数是可写容器,则可以更改该值。如果该值不是某种容器,则会出现错误:

sub read-write ( $a is rw ) { $a++ }

my $a  = 137;
my $b :=  37;
my \c  =   7;

read-write( $a );  # writable so okay
read-write( $b );  # literal,  not mutable - ERROR!
read-write( c );   # constant, not mutable - ERROR!
read-write( 5 );   # literal,  not mutable - ERROR!


You can constrain a parameter to a particular type. You already saw some of this in Chapter 5:


sub do-something ( Int:D $n ) { ... }

The sigils impose their own constraints. An @ accepts something that is a Positional, the % accepts something that does Associative, and the & accepts something that does Callable:

这些印记强加了自己的约束。 @接受一个定位的东西,%接受一个做关联的东西,而接受一些做Callable的东西:

sub wants-pos   ( @array ) { put "Got a positional: @array[]" }
sub wants-assoc ( %hash )  { put "Got an associative: {%hash.gist}" }
sub wants-code  ( &code )  { put "Got code" }

wants-pos( <a b c> );
wants-assoc( Map.new: 'a' => 1 );
wants-code( { put "Mini code" } );

These won’t work because they don’t supply the right types of arguments:


wants-pos( %hash );
wants-assoc( <x y z> );
wants-code( 1 );

Additionally, something that accepts a code block can specify its own signature that must match the argument’s signature. Put the desired signature after the parameter variable:


sub one-arg  ( &code:( $a ), $A )         { &code.($A) }
sub two-args ( &code:( $a, $b ), $A, $B ) { &code.($A, $B) }

one-arg( { put "Got $^a" }, 'Hamadryas' );

two-args( { put "Got $^a and $^b" }, 'Hamadryas', 'perlicus' );

Same Name, Different Signature

You can define the same subroutine name twice by giving it different signatures. Each of these is a candidate. A dispatcher decides which candidate to call based on your arguments. There are several things the dispatcher considers, in this order:


  1. Literal value
  2. Number of arguments (arity)
  3. Types of arguments
  4. Other constraints

To define candidates, declare the subroutine with multi. And since multi works on a subroutine by default (you’ll see methods in Chapter 12), you can leave off the sub:


multi sub some-subroutine { ... }
multi some-subroutine { ... }

Literal Value Parameters

You can also make a signature that has a literal value. These multis are selected when the argument value is the same as the literal parameter:


multi something (  1 ) { put "Got a one" }
multi something (  0 ) { put "Got a zero" }
multi something ( $a ) { put "Got something else" }

something(   1 );
something(   0 );
something( 137 );

The literal value parameters decide the appropriate subroutine for the first two cases:


Got a one
Got a zero
Got something else

What if you wanted a Rat as one of the literal values? Put the value inside <> so the compiler doesn’t think the / is the start of a regex (Chapter 15):


multi something ( 1 )       { put "Got a one" }
multi something ( 0 )       { put "Got a zero" }
multi something ( <1/137> ) { put "Got something fine" }
multi something ( $b )      { put "Got something else" }

something( 1 );
something( 0 );
something( 1/137 );
something( 'Hello' );

Think about the previous Fibonacci example:


sub fibonacci ( $n ) {
    return 0 if $n == 0;
    return 1 if $n == 1;
    return &?ROUTINE( $n - 1 ) + &?ROUTINE( $n - 2 );

That implementation has two special cases for 0 and 1. You have to provide special code to handle those. You can move those special cases away from the main idea by giving each case its own multi:


multi fibonacci ( 0 ) { 0 }
multi fibonacci ( 1 ) { 1 }

multi fibonacci ( $n ) {
    return fibonacci( $n - 1 ) + fibonacci( $n - 2 );

put fibonacci(0);
put fibonacci(1);
put fibonacci(5);

Notice that you can’t use &?ROUTINE because $n-1 might not be handled by the same subroutine.

请注意,您不能使用&?ROUTINE,因为$ n-1可能无法由同一子例程处理。

Number of Arguments

Declare the sub with multi. One candidate takes a single positional argument and the other candidate takes two positional arguments:


multi subsomething ( $a     ) { put "One argument"; }
multi subsomething ( $a, $b ) { put "Two arguments"; }

something( 1 );
something( 1, 3 );
# something();

The output shows that you called two different subroutines:


One argument
Two arguments

Uncomment the call with no arguments, and you’ll get a compile-time error. The compiler knows no signatures can match:


Calling something() will never work with any of these multi signatures:
    ($a, $b)

You can shorten the multi sub to simply multi since that implies sub:

你可以将multi sub简化为multi,因为这意味着sub:

multi something ( $a     ) { put "One argument";  }
multi something ( $a, $b ) { put "Two arguments"; }

This sort of dispatch depends on arity—the number of arguments that you supply. This means that the compiler also knows when you try to define subroutines with the same arity, like this:

这种调度取决于arity - 您提供的参数数量。这意味着编译器也知道您何时尝试使用相同的arity定义子例程,如下所示:

multi something ( $a ) { put "One argument"; }
multi something ( $b ) { put "Also one arguments"; } # Error

This is also a runtime error because the dispatcher can’t choose one candidate over the other (and it won’t run all of them):


Ambiguous call to 'something'; these signatures all match:

Parameter Types

You can also choose amongst multis by parameter type. These each take the same number of arguments but distinguish them by type:


multi something ( Int:D $a ) { put "Int argument";  }
multi something ( Str:D $a ) { put "Str arguments"; }

something( 137 );
something( 'Hamadryas' );

These call different subroutines because the argument types are different:


Int argument
Str arguments

You might have the different subroutines take the same type. In those cases you can select the right one by a custom constraint. The dispatcher chooses the most specific one:


multi something ( Int:D $a ) { put "Odd arguments"; }
multi something ( Int:D $a where * %% 2 ) { put "Even argument" }

something( 137 );
something( 538 );

Notice that this works regardless of the order in which you define the subroutines:


Odd arguments
Even arguments

In the next example the first subroutine constrains its parameter to numbers that are odd. The second subroutine constrains its parameter to numbers greater than 5. These both have one parameter and they both have a whereclause, so the dispatcher chooses the first one it encounters:


multi sub something ( Int:D $a where * % 2 ) { put "Odd number" }
multi sub something ( Int:D $a where * > 5 ) { put "Greater than 5" }

something( 137 );

The argument satisfies either signature. The output shows that the first subroutine ran:


Odd number

Reverse the order of definition:


multi sub something ( Int:D $a where * > 5 ) { put "Greater than 5" }
multi sub something ( Int:D $a where * % 2 ) { put "Odd number" }

something( 137 );

The first defined subroutine still runs even though it’s a different definition:


Greater than 5

What if you do not want multiple definitions with the same name? Declare one of the subroutines withoutmulti:


sub something ( Int $a ) { put "Odd arguments" }

multi something ( Int $a where * %% 2 ) { # redefinition!
    put "Even argument";

You get a compile-time error asking if you meant that to be a multi sub:


===SORRY!=== Error while compiling
Redeclaration of routine 'something' (did you mean to declare a multi-sub?)

Named Parameters

Named parameters do not depend on their position in the parameter or argument lists. By default they are optional. You can specify them anywhere in the arguments and in any order. These are often used to set options for a routine or method.


Specify named parameters with a colon before the parameter variable. In the signature, use the unquoted parameter variable name, the fat arrow, and the value that you want to supply. The order of the names or values does not matter:


sub add ( Int:D :$a, Int:D :$b ) {
    $a + $b;

put add( a => 1,  b => 36 );  # 37
put add( b => 36, a => 1  );  # Same thing

For this to work you cannot quote the keys or use variables as the keys. This call is actually two Pair objects treated as positional parameters:


put add( 'a' => 1,  'b' => 36 );     # Will not work!
put add( $keya => 1, $keyb => 36 );  # Will not work!

More often you’ll use the adverb syntax. With values that are positive integers you can specify the value first and the name after it:


put add( :a(1), :b(36) );  # 37
put add( :36b, :1a );      # 37

Default values and other constraints work the same as they do with positional parameters:


sub add ( Int:D :$a = 0, Int:D :$b = 0 ) {
    $a + $b;

put add();       # 0
put add( :36b ); # 36

You don’t have to use the same names for the arguments and the parameter variables. In complicated code in power-of you might not want to retype $base or $power every time. The subroutine still uses the long names for the interface but the implementation can use the short names:

您不必对参数和参数变量使用相同的名称。在功能复杂的代码中,您可能不希望每次都重新键入$ base或$ power。子例程仍然使用接口的长名称,但实现可以使用短名称:

sub power-of ( Int:D :power($n) = 0, Int:D :base($a) ) {
    $a ** $n

put power-of( base => 2, power => 5 ); # 32

So far these named parameters have all taken values. Without any other constraints and no argument value, a named parameter is a Boolean. The adverb form with no value (and no constraint) gets True (because that’s what Pairs do):


sub any-args ( :$state ) { say $state  }
any-args( :state );  #  True

A ! in front of the adverb name makes it a False value:

一个 !在副词名称前面使其成为一个假值:

any-args( :!state );  #  False

Required Named Parameters

A positional parameter is required simply because it exists, and you have to mark it as optional to make it such. That’s reversed with named parameters, which are optional unless you say otherwise. The parameters get their default values if you don’t specify them:


sub not-required ( :$option ) { say $option; }

not-required();            # (Any)
not-required( :option  );  # True
not-required( :!option );  # False
not-required( :5option );  # 5

To make option mandatory put a ! after it in the signature (this is not the same as ! before an argument):


sub not-required ( :$option! ) { say $option; }

not-required();            # Error!

The error tells you that you forgot an argument:


Required named parameter 'option' not passed

Named Parameters for Free

Rather than define every named parameter, you can accept all of them. Don’t specify any in your parameters and they all show up in %_. This is the equivalent of @_ but for named parameters. Each routine gets its own version of this variable:


sub any-args { say %_ }
any-args( genus => 'Hamadryas' );
any-args( genus => 'Hamadryas', species => 'perlicus' );

You didn’t define either :genus or :species but they show up in %_:


{genus => Hamadryas}
{genus => Hamadryas, species => perlicus}

A slurpy Hash does the same thing:


sub any-args ( *%args ) { say %args }
any-args( genus => 'Hamadryas' );
any-args( genus => 'Hamadryas', species => 'perlicus' );

That’s how that implicit %_ worked. When you use it in a subroutine you automatically get a slurpy for it in the signature:


sub any-args { say %_ }
sub any-args ( *%_ ) { say %_ }

Mixed Parameters

You can mix positional and named parameters. If you use @_ and %_ in the code they are both in the implicit signature:


sub any-args {
    put '@_ => ', @_.gist;
    put '%_ => ', %_.gist;

any-args( 'Hamadryas', 137, :status, :color('Purple') );

@_ => [Hamadryas 137]
%_ => {color => Purple, status => True}

You can mix in the named parameters in any order that you like. The positional parameters have to be in the right order but named parameters can come between them:


any-args( :color('Purple'), 'Hamadryas', :status, 137  );

It’s the same if you name the parameters yourself:


sub any-args ( *@args, *%named ) {
    put '@args => ', @args.gist;
    put '%named => ', %named.gist;

any-args( :color('Purple'), 'Hamadryas', :status, 137  );

Return Types

You can constrain the return values of subroutines. If you try to return a value that doesn’t fit the restriction you get a runtime Exception. Specify the type after the signature with a -->. You want this subroutine to return a defined Int:

您可以约束子例程的返回值。如果您尝试返回不符合限制的值,则会获得运行时异常。使用 - >指定签名后的类型。您希望此子例程返回已定义的Int:

sub returns-an-int ( Int:D $a, Int:D $b --> Int:D ) { $a + $b }

put returns-an-int( 1, 3 );

That works:



But what if you make a mistake where you return a Str?


sub returns-an-int ( Int:D $a, Int:D $b --> Int:D ) { ($a + $b).Str }

put returns-an-int( 1, 3 );

At runtime you get an error because the types do not match:


Type check failed for return value; expected Int but got Str ("4")

An alternate way is to note it with returns (with an s at the end) outside of the signature’s parentheses:


sub returns-an-int ( Int $a, Int $b ) returns Int { $a + $b }

You might also see these forms that do the same thing:


sub returns-an-int ( Int $a, Int $b ) of Int { $a + $b }

my Int sub returns-an-int ( Int $a, Int $b ) { $a + $b }

No matter which way you define the return type you can always return either Nil or a Failure object (usually to signal that something went wrong). All of these calls “succeed” even though some of them don’t return a Str:


sub does-not-work ( Int:D $a --> Str ) {
    return Nil if $a == 37;
    fail 'Is not a fine number' unless $a == 137;
    return 'Worked!'

put does-not-work(  37 ).^name;   # Nil
put does-not-work( 137 ).^name;   # Str
put does-not-work( 538 ).^name;   # Failure

You can’t make complex checks in the constraint, but you can define a subset that does these. Here’s one that returns either a Rat or, if you try to divide by zero, an Inf:


subset RatInf where Rat:D | Inf;

sub divide ( Int:D $a, Int:D $b --> RatInf ) {
    return Inf if $b == 0;
    $a / $b;

put divide( 1, 3 );  # <1/3>
put divide( 1, 0 );  # Inf

That Rat:D | Inf is a Junction. You’ll see those in Chapter 14.


Much of the work of ensuring your program does the right things can be done with the judicious use of constraints on the inputs and outputs of subroutines. With a little planning these features will catch the cases that you did not expect and that shouldn’t show up in your program. Once they’ve been found you can work your way through the code to find them even sooner—and the sooner you find them, the easier your debugging life should be.

确保您的程序做正确的事情的大部分工作可以通过明智地使用子程序的输入和输出的约束来完成。通过一些计划,这些功能将捕获您不期望的并且不应该出现在您的程序中的情况。一旦找到它们,您就可以通过代码更快地找到它们 - 并且越早找到它们,您的调试生活就越容易。

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