Racing Rakudo


在许多赛车运动中,遥测在提高速度方面起着重要作用。 感谢lizmat的大量提交,你现在也可以使用遥测了。

perl6 -e 'use Telemetry; snapper(½); my @a = (‚aaaa‘..‚zzzz‘).pick(1000); say @a.sort.[*-1 / 2];'
Telemetry Report of Process #30304 (2017-11-05T17:24:38Z)
No supervisor thread has been running
Number of Snapshots: 31
Initial Size:        93684 Kbytes
Total Time:          14.74 seconds
Total CPU Usage:     15.08 seconds

wallclock  util%  max-rss  gw      gtc  tw      ttc  aw      atc
   500951  53.81     8424
   500557  51.92     9240
   548677  52.15    12376
   506068  52.51      196
   500380  51.94     8976
   506552  51.74     9240
   500517  52.45     9240
   500482  52.33     9504
   506813  51.67     6864
   502634  51.63
   500520  51.78     6072
   500539  52.13     7128
   503437  52.29     7920
   500419  52.45     8976
   500544  51.89     8712
   500550  49.92     6864
   602948  49.71     8712
   500548  50.33
   500545  49.92      320
   500518  49.92
   500530  49.92
   500529  49.91
   500507  49.92
   506886  50.07
   500510  49.93     1848
   500488  49.93
   500511  49.93
   508389  49.94
   508510  51.27      264
    27636  58.33
--------- ------ -------- --- -------- --- -------- --- --------
 14738710  51.16   130876

wallclock  Number of microseconds elapsed
    util%  Percentage of CPU utilization (0..100%)
  max-rss  Maximum resident set size (in Kbytes)
       gw  The number of general worker threads
      gtc  The number of tasks completed in general worker threads
       tw  The number of timer threads
      ttc  The number of tasks completed in timer threads
       aw  The number of affinity threads
      atc  The number of tasks completed in affinity threads

snapper 函数以数据采集的时间为间隔。程序终止后,会显示出上面的表格。

该模块自带大量的 sub,可以收集手头相同的数据,并提交自己的报告。在长期运行的过程中可能是合理的。或者你时不时的手动调用 report sub。

use Telemetry;

react {
    whenever Supply.interval(60) {
        say report;

如果终端不能切入,你可以使用 http 来获取遥测数据。


by gfldex.

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