

小詹妮拿着 5 美元去超市买东西, 为新搬来的邻居买水果篮礼物。因为她是个勤奋并缺乏想象力的孩纸, 她打算正好花 5 美元, 不多也不少。

事实上超市里水果的价格并非整数, 正好花光 5 美元并不容易。 - 但是詹妮已经准备好了。她从背包里拿出上网本, 输入她看到过的水果的单价, 并且开启了一个程序为她收集 — 就是这样, 5 美元能买的水果的组合就出现在屏幕上。

挑战 : 用你选择的语言展示詹妮的程序是什么样子。

  • 目标就是 500 美分 (等于 5 美元)
  • 解决方法可以包含多种同类型的水果 - 假设它们数量没有限制
  • 解决方法没有必要包含所有水果类型
  • 对给定的输入检测所有可能的方法


每行一种水果 — 规定了水果的名字(不含空格的单词)和水果的单价(单位为美分, 整数)


每个解决方法一行 — 用以逗号分割的数量+名字对儿, 描述了那种类型要买的水果数。

不要列出数量为 0 的水果。 如果为复数就给名字加 s


banana 32
kiwi 41
mango 97
papaya 254
pineapple 399


6 kiwis, 1 papaya
7 bananas, 2 kiwis, 2 mangos


apple 59
banana 32
coconut 155
grapefruit 128
jackfruit 1100
kiwi 41
lemon 70
mango 97
orange 73
papaya 254
pear 37
pineapple 399
watermelon 500

注意, 这种输入有 180 种解决方法。

my (@names, @prices) := ($_»[0], $_»[1]».Int given lines».words);

for find-coefficients(500, @prices) -> @quantities {
    say (@names Z @quantities)
        .map(-> [$name, $qty] { "$qty $name"~("s" if $qty > 1) if $qty })
        .join(", ");

sub find-coefficients ($goal, @terms) {
    gather {
        my @coefficients;

        loop (my $i = 0; $i < @terms; @coefficients[$i]++) {
            given [+](@coefficients Z* @terms) <=> $goal {
                when Less { $i = 0                      }
                when More { @coefficients[$i] = 0; $i++ }
                when Same { take @coefficients.values   }

For each iteration of the loop, the array @coefficients is “incremented by one” as if its elements were the digits of a number - but not one with a fixed base: instead, it overflows the “digits” whenever the search condition has been exceeded (sum > goal).

The same could possibly be done more elegantly with recursion. And for those who don’t like naive bruteforce solutions, this challenge could also be a nice opportunity to try some dynamic programming techniques.

my @fruits = lines».split(" ").sort(-*[1]);
my @names  = @fruits»[0];
my @prices = @fruits»[1]».Int;

for find-coefficients(500, @prices) -> @quantities {
    say (@names Z @quantities)
        .map(-> [$name, $qty] { "$qty $name"~("s" if $qty > 1) if $qty })
        .join(", ");

sub find-coefficients ($goal, @terms) {
    gather {
        my @initial = 0 xx @terms;

        my %partials = (0 => [@initial,]);
        my @todo = (@initial,);
        my %seen-partials :=;
        my %seen-solutions :=;

        while @todo {
            my @current := @todo.shift;
            my $sum = [+] @current Z* @terms;

            next if $sum > $goal;

            %partials{$sum}.push: @current;

            # Find solutions by adding known partials to the current partial
            for %partials{$goal - $sum}[*] -> @known {
                .take if !%seen-solutions{~$_}++ given list @current Z+ @known;

            # Schedule additional iterations
            if $sum <= $goal div 2 {
                for @terms.keys {
                    my @next = @current;
                    @todo.push: @next if !%seen-partials{~@next}++;


  • For the challenge input (solution space = 1,127,153,664) it needs only 4296 iterations, at the cost of several hash lookups per iteration.

Perl 5 的解决方案。


use strict;
use warnings;

my @number;

while(<DATA>) {
    my ($name, $number) = split;
    push @number,$number;

print "@number\n";
 $_="1" x 500;
my %seen;
my $num = 31;
my $count = 0;


  my $a=split //,$1;
  my $b=split //,$2;
  my $x=split //,$3;
  my $y=split //,$4;
  my $d=split //,$5;
  $seen{"x=$a,y=$b,a=$x,b=$y,d=$d"}=1 if ($1 x $number[0]) . ($2 x $number[1]) . ($3 x $number[2]) . ($4 x $number[3]) . ($5 x $number[4]) eq $_ ;

foreach my $result (sort keys %seen) {
  print "$result\n";

banana 32
kiwi 41
mango 97
papaya 254
pineapple 399
map  gather  when 

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